9 ways to spend free time
9 ways to spend your free time, especially during this pandemic, stop wasting your seconds Cook. Open up a youtube video or online recipe, go to the kitchen and gather your weapons and ammos, and prepare for war. Just warn your cooking experts at home that it is going to get dirty, and promise them you will clear up your mess, after enjoying an awesome, scrumptious dinner (hopefully :P) and your family or friends will be most certainly be proud of you. Even if it turns out horrendous, they will still love you even more for your attempt! Read a book on your line of field. This can be a biography of the top engineer or entrepreneur, or a non fiction books on art or drama or sharpening your photography skills. No matter what your career line is, or your side interest/ passion is, there is a book for you out there. And no excuses of the need to go to the library, with millions of books inside one one computer. Kindle, audible, scribd, the list goes on. ...