
9 ways to spend free time

9 ways to spend your free time, especially during this pandemic, stop wasting your seconds  Cook.  Open up a youtube video or online recipe, go to the kitchen and gather your weapons and ammos, and prepare for war. Just warn your cooking experts at home that it is going to get dirty, and promise them you will clear up your mess, after enjoying an awesome, scrumptious dinner (hopefully :P) and your family or friends will be most certainly be proud of you. Even if it turns out horrendous, they will still love you even more for your attempt! Read a book on your line of field.  This can be a biography of the top engineer or entrepreneur, or a non fiction books on art or drama or sharpening your photography skills. No matter what your career line is, or your side interest/ passion is, there is a book for you out there. And no excuses of the need to go to the library, with millions of books inside one one computer. Kindle, audible, scribd, the list goes on. ...

How to do yoga?

How to do yoga? So you've seen your friends in those bright, fashionable yoga pants and yoga gear going out to do yoga, or seen those expensive yoga commercials or membership advertisements and are all fired up to give yoga a try. After all, it is making its ramp walk as the new hip fitness lifestyle.  Firstly, you have to understand 2 of the most important benefits that yoga offers, to my limited knowledge at least.  1. Healthy body: We all know how yoga is an ancient Asian practice, and has been around for 1000s of years. We've heard of stories of yogis living up to ages past 100, and still ambulate with ease. These days, turn 70 and the biggest thing you need to worry about is falling and getting a hip fracture that puts you bed ridden, it is just far too commonly seen in hospitals.  When you start practicing regular yoga from a young age, your body's musculoskeletal system gets fortified, right from the bone out to the skin, and every muscle fibe...

Escapism and grounding

5 ways to feel instant happiness at any moment, and forget about your worries and emotions: 1. Chocolate 2. Porn  3. Drugs  4. Alcohol 5. Netflix  5 ways to feel an instant crash the very next moment or day and feel like you are in the bottom of an abyss, unable to climb out of the rut. 1. Chocolate 2. Porn  3. Drugs  4. Alcohol 5. Netflix  Ok maybe chocolate shouldn't be on that list, I love chocolate, but you get my point. Those things in the list, are time and again, tested and proven, to throw you further down into the rabbit hole of crappiness. You resort to them in hopes of alleviating your bad mood, and i'm sure you know what happens after that - you feel worst, guilt, shame, anger, sorrow, apathy. These emotions have actually been scientifically studied and given a logarithm score, and those emotions rank the lowest on the scale. (based on the great book Power vs force by Dr David Hawkins). No wonder you fee...

Fitness as a lifestyle

How to incorporate fitness into your everyday life?  Oil your machine everyday, then use it every single day, so that it will outlast its warranty period. The oiling bit is the nutrition you take in everyday. Take one second, before you put anything into your mouth and consciously reflect on what you are feeding your body. Sometimes, we unconsciously grab that cookie or pizza even though we are not feeling hungry. Maybe we are just emotionally down, sad, angry, shameful. Next time you reach for something to eat, take a second to be mindful, and after that, if you still want to go ahead, by all means! But you will realise that with practice, you will learn to put down food that are toxic to your body, and learn to substitute them with healthy choices that will strengthen and oil your machine, but this is for another blogpost discussion. Today, we are talking about the using bit. We all know that our bodies are meant to be moved. Every single bone, joints and muscle. Think...

Show up every single day

Show up every single day To be very honest, I felt absolutely crappy today. Energy drained, both physically and emotionally. A very busy shift in the hospital, a lot of emotional baggage and thoughts dancing through the mind when I hit my bed. Sometimes, you just want to stay in bed, body tired, but more notably, the mind is worn down and exhausted. Because to be honest, your body can be beat down, but when your mind is fresh, alive and still burning bright, you can still carry on with whatever is put in front of you. But when that is drained, we might have a problem in our hands, or do we?  So because my mind was not ready to proceed on with today's blogpost, or carry on with today's meditation practice. I just wanted to knock out after chucking down some food for the sake of having dinner. "We'll just do the meditation tomorrow, and who cares about the blogpost right now, you have so much on your mind already, just give it up for today" - I was ready to ...

Cara Delevingne, inspiration

Bear Grylls Running wild with Cara Delevingne Running wild with Bear Grylls, a hit adventure series in Discovery Channel. I highly recommend it for all those nature lovers out there. I for once have always been fasciated by mother nature and how abundant and encompassing she is compared to us. It puts things into perspective, and gives you a sense of humble serenity and calmness when you stand across a vast, beautiful landscape like the Sardinia mountains that Cara took on. In some of these shows, celebrities reveal a glimpse of their personal lives, their thoughts and feelings behind all the bling bling stardom, and Cara Delevingne particularly caught my attention. At the surface, you see her as this super successful and rich model and Hollywood actress. it almost feels unfair to you - her rise to stardom. But as she sits down with Bear, surrounded by raw earth and green trees, she opens up. She shares that as a teenager, she had so much struggle with mental illness including ...

Learn to surf

Surfer in a large swell Life can be absolutely terrifying, but once you learn to ride it like a surfer, your biggest dream will be a tsunami. Surfing has gotten me so intrigued recently. Binge watched so many surfing and skim-boarding videos on youtube recently. I would probably learn and attempt it at some point in my life, but I reflected on the act of surfing. It expects so much from the surfer, and yet, what is the one attitude or character we see in almost all surfers? Cool, composed, laid back, chilled out, and a whole lot of swag and style. It is almost a stereotype that is so true.  Let's look at some of these qualities/ expectations - Physical strength, a toned and strong body is like the fundamentals, strong, grounded legs and an even stronger core to centre your body while on that small board riding on the backs of, well, death essentially. Not to mention the strength and good lung function required to swim and sometimes survive a "wipeout".  ...